DAOs can help scientists find funding and community, says Nature science journal

Decentralization could help bring scientists in underfunded fields and locations to the table without requiring relocation or reemployment

The Nature science journal recently published an editorial in its Nature Bioscience section lauding the use of decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) as a revolutionary new method by which researchers working in underfunded scientific fields can create communities around their work and raise funding which, otherwise, might not be available.

In a DAO-based research scheme, a project’s organization, fundraising, feedback, and pipeline from discovery to product/industry can all be handled by the same decentralized governing body.

Per the Nature article, the general workflow would also be streamlined compared to the status quo:

“Project proposals are sent to the DAO, and each DAO member is able to vote on whether a particular project should be funded. Members have tokens...

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